فارسی عربي

Danish docs to screen at Iran’s Cinema Vérité

Select documentaries of Danish Cinema are to screen at a venue in the Iranian capital city of Tehran.

Select documentaries of Danish Cinema have been scheduled to screen at a venue in the Iranian capital city of Tehran.

The 11th edition of Cinema Vérité, the Iranian international festival for documentary films, will show numerous Danish documentaries during the Tehran event next month, organizers announced on Sunday.

Among respective Danish films to be viewed include ‘Waiting for the Sun’ and ‘Big Time’ by Kaspar Astrup Schroder, ‘Amateurs in Space’ by Max Kestner and ‘Natural Disorder’ by Christian Sonderby Jepsen.

‘Mission Rape - A Tool of War’ co-directed by Katia Forbert Petersen and Annemette Mari Olsen, ‘Tutti a Casa - Power to the people?’ by Lise Birk Pedersen and ‘1989’ by Anders Ostergaard and Erzsebet Racz are also included in the lineup.

In 2016, Iran’s Cinema Vérité reviewed a selection of documentaries screened at Denmark’s Copenhagen International Documentary Festival – CPH: DOX.

Organized by the Experimental and Documentary Film Center, the 11th Cinema Vérité festival will be held in Tehran from December 10-17.

